Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Proposal 1

The general function of dreams is to try to restore our psychological balance by producing dream material that re-establishes, in a subtle way, the total psychic equilibrium.

CARL JUNG, Man and His Symbols
Topic: Dreams


Dreams are images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions that pass through our mind when we are sleeping.

Everyone dreams. It is just a matter of whether we remember it or not. On average, we have five dreams per night. Everyone’s dream is unique as it is connected with our own reality.

Some individuals believe that dreams can see into the future. There is no scientific proof yet that dreams may predict our future but there are many cases where people dreams and it eventually came true.

Type of dreams:
- daydreams
- false awakening dreams
- lucid dreams
- nightmares
- recurring dreams
- healing dreams
- prophetic dreams
- signal dreams
- epic dreams

Example of common dreams:
- Teeth Dreams
- Chase Dreams
- Falling Dreams
- Flying Dreams
- Naked Dreams
- Test Dreams

Problem Identification:
We dream every night whether we remember it or not but we have never thought of the meaning and purpose of our dreams.

Aim & Objective:
To help user in a better understanding of dreams.

Ideation & Concept:

An application on screen where user can play game while navigate through the pages to understand more about dreams.

An installation will be created and will be placed in a dark area. When someone passes by, lights will turn on and the screen of the application will appear (dreams appear when we are in an unconscious mind)

I dream every night whether it is something odd, strangers which I have never met before or repeated dreams and I have always been wondering the meaning of these dreams, the reason of my dreams.

Our dreams are the source
for those illusive,
below-consciousness feelings
that tend to dive for cover
when they meet
the light of day.
If we are persistent
about searching for
and seeking our dreams,
and our inner self,
the line between the conscious
and the unconscious
will blur.

- -Julia Chiapella- -


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